solar energy

  1. Photo of Solar Panels in a field.

    Law adds hurdles to new solar and wind farms

    Oct 14, 2021

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—Amid a surge in large-scale solar energy developments across the state, Ohioans now have more influence over what, if any, land in their communities will be used for wind or solar farms.

  2. Photo of a field of solar panels

    Ohio legislature passes solar and wind project siting and approval bill

    Jul 2, 2021

    It’s been a long and winding road to the Governor’s desk for Senate Bill 52, the controversial bill on siting and approval of large-scale wind and solar facilities in Ohio.  The bill generated opposition and concern from the outset, requiring a major overhaul early on.  A substitute bill passed the Senate on June 2 after six hearings and hundreds of witnesses testifying for and against the bill.