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  1. Horse Information

    Forms and Information Horse ID Form  (due June 1st, required) Negative Coggins Test from your Veterinarian (due June 1st, required) Horse Housing Form (due June 1st if not housed at your address) Horse Lease Guidelines  (due June 1st if you do not own you ...

  2. Fairfield County Endowment Fund Information

    Fairfield County 4-H Endowment The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment was established on May 5, 2006. Leadership for the 4-H Endowment is provided by the Endowment Board, a group of local volunteers, serving three-year terms, committed to complimenting local ...

  3. Club Advisor Resources

    State Resources Club Chartering and Management: Club Finances Ohio 4-H Volunteer Handbook County Resources County-wide Fundraisers Kroger Fundraiser sheet  pdf Fairfield County Advisor's Handbook  (v2021) Forms and Resources 4-H Club Constitution  Te ...

  4. Agricultural Drone Trailer Safety

    Agricultural drone trailers are used to service drones and unmanned arial devices. Topics include: Chemical Hazards Roadway Safety Electrical Hazards Ladders and Working from Heights Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Other   ...

  5. 4-H Youth Development

    Preparing Youth for Success 4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development program offered to individuals age 5 and in kindergarten to age 19. Ohio 4-H youth development reaches more than 240,000 youth each year – helping kids “learn by doing” through ...

  6. YQCA Information

    QUALITY ASSURANCE TRAINING Quality Assurance training is required annually for all Junior Fair exhibitors with market animals or lactating animals including dairy cows and dairy goats. No other breeding animal or dairy beef feeder exhibitors need to compl ...

  7. New Volunteers

    Apply Online Now! 4-H Lingo                                                                                                                   How Do I Become an Advisor Volunteer Application  (printable) New Advisor Orientation Materials County Level 4-H ...

  8. Food Safety

    USDA Food Safety Education Site Get help with your food safety questions through the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline, the Ask Karen knowledge base, fact sheets, videos, a visit to the Food Safety Discovery Zone-- and much more. Turkey Talk-Line Info – Butte ...

  9. Agricultural Rescue and Grain C.A.R.T. (Comprehensive Agricultural Rescue Trailer)

    Program Goal: The overarching goal is to collaboratively develop a comprehensive agricultural rescue program. The program will consist of Ohio Fire Academy curriculum, professional training and education, outreach education and awareness. ...

  10. Cloverbuds

    Cloverbuds are 4-H members who have reached the age of 5 and are enrolled in Kindergarten as of January 1 of the current year. When a child is age 8 and enrolled in 3rd grade as of January 1 of the current year, the child is eligible for regular 4-H membe ...
