
Search results

  1. Nitrogen fixation rates and aerial root production among maize landraces

    1502884. Journal ...

  2. Winter and Backyard Birds: Keep Poultry Safe During Cold Temps

    Livestock Auction and January 30 th will be at the Harvest Ridge Event Center in Millersburg.  You will need ... hot.  Newly hatched chickens require temperatures between 90 and 95 degrees during their first week and ... need to consider supplemental heat.  This can be done with a heat lamp or space heater.  If using ...

  3. Morning with the Masters: Integrated Pest Management

    44442 This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For more information call ...

  4. Rumen Acidosis in Dairy Cattle – A Cause for Concern?

    strategies that increase rumen pH or ruminal buffering capacity. In this article “buffering” refers to the ... cow’s ability to enhance buffering can be done through increasing forage fiber, physically effective ... fiber, providing buffers, increasing lying time, and reducing fermentation load by considering different ...

  5. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, February 11, 2025: Tourism for Tomorrow: Sustainable Solutions for Travel, Ecosystems, and Economy in Ohio and Beyond

    Interconnected with the hospitality industry (which serves both tourists and full-time residents,) the tourism ... industry works to fulfill the varied lodging, transportation, dining, and entertainment needs of guests, ... however, come concerns about sustainability. Environmental impacts such as increased car traffic and ...

  6. Pesticide and Fertilizer Decisions

    Many factors need to be considered when making the decision to use pesticides and ...

  7. Director of Guest Experiences- Central Region

    creativity while maintaining a focus on safety, financial performance, and outstanding customer service. Your ... Establishes priorities, performance requirements and professional development goals that align with Great ... safety regulations and policies to ensure safety of staff, volunteers and guests. Develops revenue ...

  8. Southwestern Ohio Small Farm Management College

    college is designed to help landowners examine potential ways to increase profits from their small acreage ... required by January 31, 2025.  Register here.   ...

  9. A Note from David Civittolo

    focus on regrouping and planning for 2025. You’ve already received several updates from me this week, ...

  10. Soybean Management

    Sclerotia produced outside or inside the stem can be mixed with seed during harvest, becoming a source of ... non-host plants, therefore, several years of rotation will be required to reduce inoculum in a field. ... apothecia. Reduction of seeding rate  may improve air circulation, reducing the humidity and increasing the ...
