
Search results

  1. Locally Grown Hops a Possibility for Ohio’s Booming Microbreweries

    a hop research program focused on production and marketing, said Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension ...

  2. Pre-Grad Working Student Program

    Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital is searching for students for the hospital (surgery/ medicine/ sports medicine), equine reproduction center, and the ambulatory department. (Ambulatory students must commit to working from mid-January to mid-June.) Det ...

  3. Communiqué November 23, 2011

    director of the Intercollege Graduate Program in Nutrition at Penn State University. Dr. Kensinger ... engagement program? The Office of Outreach and Engagement encourages you to submit a partnership to serve as ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-04

    panel and presentation from industry representatives will also be part of the program. The seminars will ... to the discussion at the meetings being promoted below. In addition Nancy Taylor, Program Director ...

  5. Equicert presents Harmonized Food Safety Audit

    the pilot evaluation program, technical working group members, growers, educators, buyers, and food ...

  6. Get the Most Out of Small Fruit Crops with Better Pruning Techniques

    inclement weather, the program will be moved to a classroom-style presentation. The workshop is part of the ...

  7. Extension Publication Teaches Importance of Animal Health and Safety

    University Extension-Veterinary Preventive Medicine program assistant and one of the authors of the project. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-38

    per acre in income at current wheat prices.  Restructured and Updated OSU Weed Management Website The ...

  9. Internationally Known Economist to Feature Ag Investing Tips at OSU Extension Seminar

    agriculture." The program, called Ag and Finance: "Navigating into the 21st Century" will focus on ...

  10. Ohio Aquaculture Association Meeting to Provide Latest in Aquaculture Production/Business

    program and research updates from Ohio State University aquaculturists, as well as from industry ...
