
Largemouth Bass Workshop Videos (April 2021)

Larval Largemouth Bass Rearing in an Indoor RAS System, Presented by Giovanni Molinari, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Production of Feed Trained Largemouth Bass Fingerlings, Presented by Shawn Coyle, Kentucky State University

Largemouth Bass Production: Opportunities and Challenges, Presented by Dr. James Tidwell, Kentucky State University

Marketing Trends in Illinois for Foodfish Sales to the Live Market, Presented by Paul Hitchens, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Buckeye Aquafarming Newsletter

Summer 2019 (pdf)

Spring 2018 (pdf)

Summer 2017 (pdf)

Spring 2017 (pdf)

Winter 2016 (pdf)

Summer 2016 (pdf)

Education Resources

Advice from the Experts 

Presentations at past OAA events

US Aquaculture Society YouTube Channel

Extension Workshops

12-Part Extension Webinar Series (ongoing from 2016-2017)

Recreational Fish Pond Management

The HACCP Approach to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species by Aquaculture and Baitfish Operations

Aquaponics- How to Do It Yourself!

Mandatory Inspection of Fish of the Order Siluriformes and Products Derived from such Fish

Labeling Requirements for Siluriformes Fish and Fish Products

What You Need to Know about Biosecurity

What You Need to Know about Biosecurity Part II 

U.S. Farm-Raised Finfish and Shellfish 101

Regulatory Costs of U.S. Aquaculture Business

Branding Opportunities for Oyster Farmers

Seafood in the Diet: Benefits and Risks: Farm-Raised and Wild

Use of Veterinary Feed Directive Drugs in Aquaculture

Social Media: An Introduction for Successful Use


Workshop Presentations

Water Quality (August 2016)

Aquatic weed identification and treatment options

Fish water quality management in RAS and Aquaponics, (pdf)

How does poor water quality affect your wallet, (pdf)

Overview of water quality considerations, (pdf)

Plant and pest management in aquaponics, (pdf)

Understanding your water quality analysis report, (pdf)

Water quality in ponds, (pdf)