Andrew James Londo, Ph.D.

Andrew London profile picture.
Andrew James Londo, Ph.D.
Professor and State Extension Silviculture Specialist
232 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffee Road, Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 495-6592
Degree Information: 
Ph.D. - Forest Science, Michigan Technological University
M.S. - Forestry, Texas A&M University
B.S. - Forestry, Michigan Technological University

Andrew Londo, Ph.D. is a Professor of Silviculture in the Department of Extension at Ohio State University where he also serves as a State Extension Forestry Specialist.  He earned a BS in forestry from Michigan Technological University, an MS in Forestry from Texas A&M University, and his Ph.D. in Forest Science from Michigan Technological University.

Dr. Londo has authored or co-authored over 200 publications and secured over $5.5 million to support his Extension and research programs.  He has received over 100 university, state, regional, and national awards for his research, teaching and extension activities.

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