Ohio Maple Days are coming, a chance to prep for syrup season

Jan. 10, 2019
CFAES is sponsoring its annual Ohio Maple Days program at three locations in January. (Photo: Getty Images.)

WOOSTER, Ohio—What will Ohio’s recent weather—wet last year, warmish this winter—mean for the coming maple syrup season?

It’s one of the topics at this year’s Ohio Maple Days program, an educational event for syrup producers set for three dates in three locations: Jan. 17 in Fulton, Jan. 18 in Fredericksburg, and Jan. 19 in Middlefield. The program will be the same at all three locations.

Last year, Ohio ranked eighth nationally in maple syrup production, with a reported yield of 90,000 gallons, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Weather effects, new maple science

Featured speaker Tim Perkins, director of the University of Vermont’s Proctor Maple Research Center, will discuss what Ohio’s soggy 2018 and un-winter-like winter so far could mean to this year’s sap yields, for good or for bad. Ohio had its third-wettest year ever last year, capped by an especially rainy fall.

Perkins also will share the center’s long-term research findings on spout and tubing sanitation, including the santitation’s effects on sap yields and net profits and how producers can calculate its benefits. Those findings show that the economic benefits of improving sanitation outweigh the costs, said Ohio Maple Days organizer Gary Graham.

“Sanitation plays a key role in maple production,” said Graham, who leads the Maple Syrup Program at The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Otherwise, “all mold and bacteria need to grow is moisture and food, both of which are in maple sap and syrup.”

New food safety regulations

Another featured speaker, Dan Milo, will explain new portions of the Food Safety Modernization Act, set to be implemented this year, that affect producers of maple syrup. Milo is food safety supervisor with the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Division of Food Safety and is a hobby syrup producer himself.

Graham will present a session called “Maple Nuggets” during which he’ll share additional news and updates and answer producers’ questions.

There will be a trade show at each location; reports by the Ohio Maple Producers Association and by Ohio State University Extension, which is the outreach arm of CFAES; and free testing of hydrometers, refractometers, and Vermont Temporary Maple Syrup Grading Kits that attendees are invited to bring.

3 dates, 3 locations

The Jan. 17 event will be at Lutheran Memorial Camp, 2790 State Route 61, in Fulton.

On Jan. 18, the program takes place at the Mennonite Christian Assembly Church, 10664 Fryburg Road, in Fredericksburg.

The Jan. 19 event is set for the Huntsburg Community Center, 12396 Madison Road, in Middlefield, which is a new location from previous years.

The hours for all three events are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

How to register

Attendees can preregister by mail through Jan. 11, which costs $35 and includes lunch; preregister by phone after Jan. 11, which costs $35 and includes lunch; or register at the door, which costs $40 but doesn’t guarantee lunch.

For details, including how to register, visit go.osu.edu/Ch3n or call Ashley Gerber, 330-674-3015.



Kurt Knebusch


Gary Graham