Newly Revised Ohio Agronomy Guide for Sale

May. 25, 2017
A split photo with one side a photo of a piece of corn on the cob and the other a photo of wheat.

COLUMBUS, Ohio —A lot can change in 12 years.

That’s why the 2005 edition of the Ohio Agronomy Guide was just revised to offer the most up-to-date guidelines for planting corn, soybeans, wheat and forages in Ohio, managing the pests they attract and enriching the soil in which they grow.

All the guidelines offered in the book are specific to Ohio and based on research in Ohio fields.

If a farmer, forced to delay planting soybeans, wonders: what variety of seed should I sow? And how should I change my seeding rate?

The answers are in the soybean chapter of the guide that offers advice from 19 contributors including agronomists, entomologists, plant pathologists, soil scientists and agricultural engineers.

“It’s a nice go-to reference. It covers every topic and pretty much any scenario,” said Laura Lindsey, a soybean and small grains specialist with Ohio State University Extension.

Lindsey edited the book with Peter Thomison, an OSU Extension agronomist. OSU Extension is the statewide outreach arm of The Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

The new edition of the Ohio Agronomy Guide includes three new chapters: cover crops and how to manage them, precision agriculture and setting up field trials on farms.

“It encompasses every aspect of crop management,” Lindsey said.

Chapters include: Ohio’s Climate and Soil, Soil and Water Management, Soil Fertility, Corn Production, Soybean Production, Small Grain Production, Forage Production, Multiple Cropping and Pasture and Grazing Management.

The newly revised Ohio Agronomy Guide is $15.75 and will be available soon at OSU Extension county offices or can be purchased now through the CFAES Publications estore at



Alayna DeMartini


Laura Lindsey