Manure Science Review on August 2

July 5, 2017
Photo of manure being inserted into ground instead of spread on top of field to avoid manure run-off. Photo by Flickr

PAULDING, Ohio – Farmers who want to learn more about creating fertile soil for crops and how to manage manure to improve profits, while also protecting the environment, should attend the Manure Science Review on August 2.

The Paulding Soil & Water Conservation District, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation are collaborating to host the event.

The event will be from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Stoller Brothers & Sons farm, at 9257 Rd. 144, in Paulding. Paulding Dairy supplies the Stoller farm with manure and helps with manure management throughout the year, making the farm an ideal location for the event.

The field day will highlight how to use manure effectively to improve yields, understanding ODA manure application and recordkeeping rules, reducing nutrient runoff as well as the benefits that cover crops provide in the field.

“Attendees can learn how OSU Extension worked with livestock producers this spring to sidedress emerged corn with liquid manure using a soft drag hose,” said Glen Arnold, OSU Extension Educator and field specialist in manure nutrient management systems. Farmers attach a metal toolbar to the tractor to receive manure and inject it 3 to 5 inches into the soil between the rows of growing corn. The manure in the ground is then covered with soil.

OSU Extension and industry specialists will speak at the event and lead the sessions throughout the day. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

“The demonstrations offered at the event all highlight the importance of planning to ensure manure nutrients are available for crop use as well as to protect water quality by reducing the risk of nutrient runoff,” said Mary Wicks research associate with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.

Field demonstrations will include controlling subsurface tile drainage, manure spreader calibration, manure application, sidedressing emerged corn, incorporating poultry litter, the use of frac tanks for rapid manure transfer, and smoking subsurface tiles where smoke is blown through the tile lines to see if there are pores in the ground.

“Smoking subsurface tile illustrates how natural pores in the ground from things like worm tubes and soil cracks can allow liquid manure into underground drainage, where the manure could eventually end up in surface water” said Wicks.

An optional emergency manure spill response demonstration will take place shortly after 3:30 p.m.

Continuing education units are available for a variety of professionals including Certified Crop Advisors, ODA Certified Livestock Managers, professional engineers, Indiana State Chemist (Cat 14 and RT.) and Pennsylvania Manure Hauler/Broker.

Registration is $25 per person if completed before July 24 and $30 per person afterwards. Breakfast and lunch are included with the registration fee. An online form and additional information can be found at

For additional information about the event, contact Mary Wicks at 330-202-3533 or at