May 1, 2023
Forty-six Extension professionals participated in the “Risser Farm Financial Management Training" for the Beginner and Small Farmer Program held on April 27, 2023, at The Ohio State University. This professional development training was held for Extension professionals wishing to gain their certification to be instructors for OSU Extension Small Farm Financial Management Colleges which will help producers meet the Ohio Beginner Farmer Tax Credit training requirement offered through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This training was sponsored through the gracious support of the Louis D.
Mar 28, 2023
OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resource educators and specialists work hard every year to provide outreach and education based on unbiased research. Check out how OSU ANR has been leading the way to cultivate relstionships to strengthen the economic viability and quality of life for Ohioans.
Oct 25, 2021
AgrAbility is celebrating its 30-year anniversary all during October at the Virtual State Fair. The AgrAbility Virtual State Fair highlights AgrAbility projects around the country and the ways they make agriculture accessible for people with disabilities. Come join in the celebration on Twitter and Facebook.