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ask an expert logo Ask an Expert is an online system for asking questions and receiving expert answers quickly on a broad range of subjects. You may submit a question here to be answered by members of our Ohio State University Extension faculty/staff. If you have a county-specific question, contact your local Ohio State University Extension office directly. To find your county educator, visit
Through Ohioline, you have access to the hundreds of factsheets, bulletins and other educational materials covering a wide array of subjects beyond agriculture and natural resources including family and consumer sciences, community development, 4-H and youth.
The Ohio State University's Bee Lab provides research and outreach related to honey bees, wild bees and other pollinators. This site includes an Ohio Bee Identification chart, educational opportunities for beekeepers and the latest research and information relating to bees.

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The C. Wayne Ellet Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic is a diagnostic facility specializing in the identification of plant diseases, plant health issues, and insect-related problems. The Clinic offers a broad spectrum of low cost testing for residential and commercial clients to identify pests and cultural/environmental related plant health issues. 
Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program provides training, education, and outreach to pesticide applicators about the safe, proper, and legal use of pesticides. The program works with farmers, businesses, and public agencies to protect human health and the environment and serves as a critical part of job training and business growth in Ohio.
Our Agriculture Safety and Health team provides fact sheets, videos, training opportunities and other resources to maintain and safe and healthy work environment and compliance with safety laws.