Jan 6, 2018, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Saturday, December 23, 2017
No registration fee (parking will be $2-$4/hour)
Howlett Hall Greenhouses, OSU Columbus Campus, 680 Vernon Tharp St., Columbus, OH 43210
Ohio Winter Strawberry Day - Open House
Visit our greenhouse to learn how you can grow strawberry in soilless substrates!
Date: Saturday January 6th, 2018
1PM – 3PM
Where: The Ohio State University Howlett Hall Greenhouse
(680 Vernon Tharp St., Columbus, OH)
Costs: Campus pay machine parking (@$2-$4 per hour), No registration fee.
Please RSVP by 12/23/17
Hosts and Presenters:
Chieri Kubota & Mark Kroggel, Dept. of Horticulture and Crop Science
Guest speaker:
Brad Bergefurd, Extension Educator, OSU Extension Scioto County and OSU Center for Specialty Crops
Strawberry Greenhouse Tour and Q&A
Contact for your questions: Chieri Kubota (kubota.10@osu.edu)