Jul 20, 2017, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Urban Renewal Farm, 216 S. Torrence St., Dayton, OH 45403
Participants will learn about a unique project to repurpose an abandoned factory into an urban farm. See how the farm grows food in raised beds in the parking lot and learn about plans and challenges of converting the factory to a yearround growing facility.
Registration: Pre-registration is encouraged. To register, go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/TURF17.
Directions: From Rte. 35 in Dayton, exit north onto Steve Whalen Blvd. Turn right on Hamilton Ave. Turn left on Linden Ave. Turn right on S. Torrence St. Turn right on Bierce Ave. The farm is on the left. Enter the gate and park inside the fence.