Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Webinar Series
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Monday, February 1, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Tips for Managing Pumpkins, Sweet Corn and Invasive Pests
Presenter: Jim Jasinski, Ohio State University Extension, IPM Program Coordinator
In this session, we will review the key pests of pumpkin, provide an update on the use of Bt sweet corn to manage pests, and give a quick nod to any new updates on managing SWD and BMSB. We will also cover a new pest detected in eastern Ohio last year, the Spotted Lanternfly, a known pest of grapes, tree fruit, hops and other hardwood trees.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
Fresh Ohio Strawberries at Thanksgiving and Christmas?
Presenter: Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension, South Centers
Fresh Ohio strawberries at Thanksgiving and Christmas is one of the objectives of a new strawberry season extension research trial being conducted by Dr. Chieri Kubota and Mark Kroggel from the Ohio State University Horticulture & Crop Science Department and Brad Bergefurd from the Department of Extension who are conducting research at both the Piketon and Columbus OSU campuses thanks to the support from the Ohio Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant. By coalescing more than 30 years of combined strawberry research expertise of the three Principle Investigator’s in traditional field and high-tunnel strawberry production (Co-PI: Bergefurd) and more modern greenhouse soilless offseason strawberry production (PI/co-PIs: Kubota and Kroggel), this projects goal is to increase Ohio fresh strawberry production during higher market price periods using a new substrate-based table-top production system within a high tunnel.
Registration link:
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.
No “Wining”—Just Growing Grapes & Brambling Along Too!
Presenter: Erik Draper, OSU Extension, Geauga County
Come find out what soil and environmental conditions grapes need to be productive. Then we will delve into the best methods to plant, train, care for and maintain the vines to maximize their fruit production. We will discuss both summer and winter pruning techniques and what we have learned in the vineyard to help with long-term survivability. Next, we will ”bramble along” into what soil factors and environmental conditions brambles need to grow and thrive. We will examine the methods to plant, train, and how best maintain various brambles to maximize their vigor and fruit production. We will discuss tips, training methods and techniques for both mid-summer and winter pruning. Finally, we will review those pests that create havoc and chaos for those growers trying to do an excellent job raising brambles.
Registration link:
For more information on the Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Webinar Series, email Greg Meyer at