Midwest Women in Ag Community Education Series
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Women working, owning, and operating in agriculture is an increasing demographic to the population of farms and ranches across the country. The 2017 US Census of Agriculture showed that the number of female operators is still growing. Approximately 28% of the population of farmers and ranchers in the United States are female with continued steady growth since 2009. Whether on a small farm or large operation, women are increasing their footprint in the agricultural soil as developers, entrepreneurs, and marketing enthusiasts.
Join us each Thursday in March from 9-11 AM (EST)/8-10 AM (CT) for the Midwest Women in Ag Community Education Series. This series is a collaborative effort of land grant institution Extension and related non-profits including Ohio State University Extension, Purdue University Extension, Michigan Food and Farming Systems and Kentucky Women in Agriculture. This series will be held virtual on the Zoom platform and features a morning health and wellness segment followed by an educational session and discussion.
There is a fee of $10 per session. You must register and pay to receive the connection link and details. Register today at https://go.osu.edu/ohiomidwestwomeninagseries
Click here for a copy of the flyer.
March 4th: The Ohio State University
Planning for the Farm & Family Future
March 11th: Purdue University- Extension
Marketing the Farm
March 18th: Kentucky Women in Agriculture
Engaging a Community to Grow Agricultural Literacy
March 25th: Michigan Food & Farming Systems
Leveraging Technical Assistance, Education and Research Programs to Support Diversity in Agriculture