2018 Northwest Ohio Crops Day
Primary tabs
7:30 Registration Opens and Visit Vendors
8:35 Welcome and Introduciton
Garth Ruff, Henry Co. ANR Ext. Educator
8:45 Examining the Ohio Farm Economy in 2018
Barry Ward, OSU Production Management Leader
9:45 Revising the Tri-State Recommendations
Anthony Fulford, Post-Doctoral Researcher, OARDC
10:45 Break
11:00 Dicamba Tech Update, Pigweed Control
Mark Loux, OSU State Weeds Specialist
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Weather Trends - Impact on Production?
Aaron Wilson, Researcher, Byrd Polar Climate Center
1:30 Agronomic Insect Issues
Kelley Tilmon/Andy Michael, OSU Entomology
2:15 Break
2:30 Yield Limiting Soybean Pathogens
Anne Dorrance, OSU Soybean Disease Specialist
3:30 Adjourn and Evaluations
The registration form is attached.
To register Contact:
Garth Ruff or Stephanie Jaqua
OSU Extension, Henry County
(419) 592-0806
The registration fee is $25 if postmarked by February 1, 2018. It is $35 at the door, space permitting.
The registration fee includes:
- Light Breakfast
- Lunch
- Presentation folder
- CCA Credits
- 1.5 IPM, 1NM, 1.5CM