James A. Chatfield
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist
Ohio State University Extension
Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
Department of Plant Pathology
1680 Madison Avenue, OARDC
Wooster, OH 44691
(330) 263-3831
(330) 466-0270
2020 Plant program in person events have been canceled until further notice. Stay tuned for updates!
More information on events can be found at https://bygl.osu.edu/
Crabapple Research
- Crabapple evaluations for resistance to apple scab infections at Secrest Arboretum in Wooster, Ohio: 2014-2015
- Crabapple evaluations for resistance to apple scab infections at Secrest Arboretum in Wooster, Ohio: 2012-2013
Gall Trilogy
- Part I - Plant Galls: Myths and Misconceptions
- Part II - Insect and Mite Galls: Myths and Misconceptions
Buckeye Yard & Garden Line (BYGL)
2013 Talks (PowerPoint Presentations)
- Why Did My Good Plant Go Bad? 23 Questions - IEMPA IMP Conference - Jan. 24, 2013
- The Pervasiveness of Invasiveness - IEMPA IMP Conference - Kelowna, BC - Jan. 25, 2013
- 20+ Questions of Diagnostics - Why Did My Good Plant Go Bad? - Albuquerque GC
- MGIA @ The Ford House (Plant Diagnostics Spectacular! - Feb. 5, 2013)
- A Boring Talk: Tree-Boring Insects - Think Trees New Mexico (Feb. 7-8, 2013)
- Tree Diseases - Why Did My Good Tree Go Bad? (Think Trees New Mexico - Feb. 8, 2013)
- Landscape Design 101 - Trees (Indiana Master Gardeners Alexandria - Feb. 16, 2013)
- Plant Diseases - Why Did My Good Plant Go Bad? (Madison County MG - Feb. 21, 2013)
- Why Trees Matter - FABE - Feb. 26, 2013
- Why Trees Matter - Cincinnati Zoo - Feb. 27, 2013
- Plant Pathology - Wood County Master Gardeners - March 4, 2013
- Plant Nomenclature - Why Trees Matter Lucas County Master Gardeners - March 5, 2013
- Which Diseases Matter - MGIA - March 6, 2013
- Which Diseases Matter - Portage County Master Gardeners - March 8, 2013
- Tree Problem Diagnostics with the Tree Amigos and 22 Questions (Wisconsin) - July 12, 2013
- Invasives Webinar - Master Gardeners 2013
- Thousand Canker Disease - OSUE Butler County - July 31, 2013
- Name that Tree - The Buckeye - July 2013